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Common Conditions We See at Cousineau Chiropractic

How We May Help You

person with back painBack pain is a common complaint affecting a large portion of the population, with about 85% of Americans experiencing it at some point during their life. There are various types of back pain, each with its own set of symptoms.

Here are a few common diagnoses that might align with your current condition:
  • Muscle spasms: These are sudden, irregular contractions in specific muscle groups, which can occur anywhere in the body. If you’re experiencing pain, it could be due to muscle tightness in your back, possibly from a previous injury or a new one.
  • Back strains/sprains: Overexertion can lead to strains and sprains, indicating possible tearing of ligaments or tendons around a joint. Even simple activities like lifting something small off the floor can cause these injuries, resulting in discomfort and impaired joint function in the spine.
  • Disc injuries: Damaged discs in the spine often cause back pain. This type of injury can be caused by lifting heavy objects, falls, or motor vehicle accidents. Chiropractic treatment is often effective in managing disc injuries, and surgery is usually unnecessary.
  • Sciatica pain: The most common cause of lower back and leg pain is sciatica, which occurs due to misalignment or muscular dysfunction in the pelvic region. Prolonged compression of the sciatic nerve leads to symptoms such as lower back pain and radiating leg pain.

person with a headacheHeadaches can stem from various symptoms and conditions, and studies have shown that some can originate from the cervical vertebrae, the spinal bones at the base of the neck. The neck’s flexibility makes it susceptible to problems, including vertebral displacement, which can exert pressure on nerves. Headaches can have different causes, such as vascular issues, eye dysfunction, nerve pressure from the spine, temporo mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, and muscular tightness in the neck and upper back.

Experiencing daily headaches can be disheartening. While headaches can indicate other underlying problems, there are more common causes to consider.

  • Tension Headaches: These are the most prevalent headaches, characterized by muscle strain and contraction that result in pain in the forehead and sometimes the back of the neck. Dull aches tighten around the head, causing discomfort throughout the day. Triggers for tension headaches can include spinal subluxations, anxiety, poor diet, and improper posture.
  • Migraine Headaches: Migraines are often described as severe headaches, but they can take various forms. They occur when blood vessels expand and press on sensitive nerve endings. Triggers for migraines can include the patient’s environment, diet, certain foods, stress, menstrual cycle, and spinal subluxations. Some migraines also involve visual disturbances, fatigue, weakness, numbness, and occasionally vomiting. The duration of migraines usually does not exceed 24 hours.
  • Cluster Headaches: Cluster headaches occur in cyclical patterns and are known to be extremely painful. They often awaken patients from sleep with intense pain around the eyes or in a specific region of the head. These headaches can last up to 30 minutes and recur frequently. Cluster headaches are often associated with cervical problems, neck aches, eye disorders, and sinus issues. They are more common in women over the age of 40.

There are other types of headaches as well, including those caused by sinus problems, spinal subluxations, or neck pain. Chiropractic professionals can address these issues and help manage the pain by adjusting your body to promote better health. If you consistently experience any of these headache types, please visit our office for a free consultation.

person with knee painJoint pain can be uncomfortable and is often caused by inflammation and swelling in and around the joint areas. Any part of the joint, including cartilage, bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles, can contribute to the discomfort and swelling. Joint pain can range from mild annoyance to excruciating pain, and it’s important not to ignore it as it could lead to serious health problems in the future.

Arthritis and arthralgia are common causes of joint pain. Arthralgia refers to inflammatory issues within the joint itself, causing pain. Mild joint pain often occurs after physical activities, while overuse of joints, such as in the fingers, can lead to arthritis and inflammatory pain. Severe joint pain can be caused by various symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Adult Still’s Disease
  • Bone cancer
  • Bursitis
  • Dislocation
  • Gout
  • Lupus

These conditions can make a patient’s life unbearable at times. If you are experiencing severe joint pain, it is important to schedule a consultation with a healthcare professional. Seeing a chiropractor for arthritis pain can provide unique benefits. Pain and inflammation in the joints often go hand in hand, and conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that affects joint lining membranes, can cause joint pain. While medication prescribed by a family doctor can help manage the pain, chiropractors offer exceptional care by addressing the root cause of the issue.

A chiropractor can conduct a comprehensive history workup and utilize functional medicine principles to identify the underlying problem and restore balance to the body, making the pain more manageable.

If your joint pain is not due to an underlying illness, lifestyle changes should be considered. Modifying daily tasks and activities can give your body the opportunity to heal and recover from aches and pains. Identify repetitive motions or activities that may contribute to your pain and reduce their frequency. Additionally, activities that subject your body to blunt trauma should be minimized to aid in the recovery from joint pain.

person with neck painMany individuals experience neck pain on a daily basis, which is often attributed to spinal misalignment, poor posture, prolonged physical activities, and maintaining one position for extended periods. While the body can often heal itself by avoiding triggers, unresolved underlying issues may persist.

To prevent neck pain, consider the following tips:

  • Sleep: Avoid sleeping on your stomach as it strains and twists the neck muscles, leading to soreness. Additionally, refrain from stacking pillows, which can cause an unfavorable head tilt and result in a sore neck in the morning.
  • Screen time: When watching television or reading, maintain an upright position to prevent tension and contortion in the neck.
  • Take breaks: If your job requires extended periods of sitting or bending over, take regular breaks and change positions to avoid pain and discomfort.

Persistent neck pain may indicate an underlying problem, potentially leading to degenerative disc disease or other issues affecting joints and nerves. It’s essential not to ignore recurring neck pain to prevent further damage and chronic discomfort.
Determining the seriousness of neck pain can be crucial. Different symptoms can provide insight into the underlying problem:

  • Gradual pain throughout the day may indicate strain, fatigue, or muscular weakness.
  • Stiffness and pain in the morning that improves as the day progresses could be related to arthritis.
  • Neck pain triggered by coughing or sneezing might point to disc problems.
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or nausea when turning the head could be indicative of a neck problem.
  • Shooting pain down the arm when moving the neck might suggest a compressed nerve, requiring immediate attention from a specialist.

Neck pain can have deeper causes beyond just discomfort. Symptoms such as constant stiff neck, pain in the face, neck, ears, or scalp, frequent arm or shoulder pain, numbness, weakness in the fingers or hands, difficulty breathing, chest pains, or dizziness may indicate more serious neck problems that require attention.

The neck plays a crucial role in communication between the brain and the nervous system, and an injured neck can disrupt these essential connections. Treating neck pain promptly is essential to prevent further complications and maintain overall health.

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Contact us to set up an appointment and address any of the conditions above effectively.

Common Conditions We See at Cousineau Chiropractic | (734) 479-1880